Why Is Oral Health Important || Oral Health & Body Connection

May 21, 2021 3 min read


 Oral Health & Body Connection

We’ve all heard it a million times - brush your teeth, for two minutes, twice a day, and floss at least once a day to keep up your oral health. But what if we told you that by maintaining your oral health, you’ll actually help maintain your health overall?

The mouth is often seen as the entrance to the rest of the body, so it should make plenty of sense that if you have oral health issues, these can lead to other health issues in your body.


Poor Dental Hygiene Symptoms

Poor Oral Health, What Happens in your Mouth:

  • Bacteria feed, grow and die–leaving byproducts that build-up into plaque
  • As plaque builds up, it hardens and becomes tartar
  • As the layers of tartar build, the gums become irritated and inflamed
  • Now “pockets” develop and more bacteria lodge down into the gums
  • The cycle of inflammation and bacteria buildup continues
  • Gingivitis occurs–red, inflamed gums and bleeding is common
  • This is the first real stage of gum disease
  • As this advances, it becomes periodontitis

Amongst sufferers of periodontal disease, gum recession, tooth decay and loss, painful gums and chronic bad breath are all common symptoms. And, as gum disease progresses, its health consequences spread far beyond the mouth.

why is oral health important | oral health & body connection,  poor dental hygiene symptoms

According To American Academy Of Periodontology

Gum Disease In Adults

  • 47.2% of adults in the United States have gum disease
  • That percentage jumps to 70.1% in Americans 65 and older

How Dental Health Affects Overall Health

And, as above, gum disease is not limited to the oral cavity alone. Numerous studies by the ADA have also associated gum disease with:

  • Oral Health And Heart Disease: When you have gum disease, the bacteria in the mouth are free to travel into your bloodstream and all over your body. This can lead to inflammation and even infection in the valves and vessels of the heart, with plaque deposits occurring in and around the arteries. These can cause heart attacks or strokes.
  • Pneumonia And Oral Health: When bad bacteria are crowding your mouth, these can end up in your lungs and cause infection, which can lead to pneumonia and other respiratory conditions.
  • Pregnancy And Oral Health: When pregnant women have gum disease, this can increase the risk of premature birth and low birth weights in infants.
  • Diabetes And Oral Health: Many people with Type 2 Diabetes are also afflicted by gum disease, and can often have a worse case than those without diabetes. Gum disease also inhibits blood sugar control, making it harder to manage diabetes.
diseases caused by poor dental hygiene,  how dental health affects overall health


If you’re ever considering skipping brushing your teeth or flossing, make sure to remember everything we’ve covered in this article. After all, IT’S ALL CONNECTED - from your mouth to the rest of your body.


Prevention Is Better Than Cure


If you want to Know about dental myths vs facts and How to  Keep Healthy teeth & gums with Oral Hygiene Instructions then 

 Click on: How To Strengthen Teeth And Gums | Oral Hygiene Instructions

Luckily, you can do something about it–naturally and effectively. The key secret in tacking gum disease is understanding the root cause: bacterial overgrowth and imbalances in your oral cavity.

Great Oral Health System

Understanding this root cause is why we created our Great Oral Health Oral Care System of products. Our approach is to restore and rebalance your mouth to a healthier state and to support the natural healing process of nature that is found in your body.

If you would like to find out more about our products and how they work, you can get more information here:

Great Oral Health Holistic and Natural System

Great Oral Health System


Healthy Teeth E-book