April 29, 2018 2 min read
Here is the deal, most of us aren’t in the position to go full organic–due to the expense and often due to availability. While going organic across the boards might be ideal, it certainly is not realistic. And, for many, the fear of “toxic foods” might actually keep them from eating fruits and vegetables as they worry about possible pesticide residue.
The truth is that while pesticide-free, organic fruits and vegetables are better for you, there is a greater danger to your health from:
ONE: Not getting enough fruits and vegetables in your diet, whether organic or conventional. Keep in mind that pesticides, while inarguably bad for you, are usually present in very minute quantities on produce. Nourishing your body with the minerals, nutrients and fibers available in fresh produce is much more important–if push comes to shove.
TWO: Contracting a food borne illnesses. Close to 50-million Americans experience illness from contaminated foods every year, usually from bacteria or viruses that could have been handled by simple measures–such as washing your fruits and vegetables. (By the way, the Center for Disease Control reports that roughly 50% of these bouts of illness come from germs on produce, so it pays to rinse!)
BOTTOM LINE: Do not eliminate or restrict fruits and vegetables from you diet due to the inability to afford or to find organic foods. And use the simple practice of washing your fresh produce to reduce pesticides, bacteria and viruses.
That being said, every year the EWG (Environmental Working Group) research the worst offenders in the produce world when it comes to pesticides. They call these the “Dirty Dozen” and while the items found on this list might change rankings, the actual top-twelve offenders rarely change from year-to-year.
So, if you familiarize yourself with this list, then you can focus on which are the best ones to go organic on.
And, if you had to choose just one, well then STRAWBERRIES would be your best target. These yummy fruits are most always to be found at the top of the list, and some of the samples that the EWG tested this year had as many as TWENTY pesticides present on a single strawberry!!
Most importantly, let’s keep it simple and certainly don’t stress out, as stress will only make your health suffer. Generally, the amounts of pesticides are small and an occasionally ingestion will likely not be an issue.
So, here’s what you do:
Here’s to a healthier and happier you!