Establishing good oral health for your child at an early age means much more than just cavity prevention, it means setting the stage for a lifetime of good health and well-being. Understanding can lead to effective action, so read on to find out more.
Antibiotics were, and are, the wonder medicines that have transformed our health and longevity. And so, the development of antibiotic resistance has become one of the biggest threats to our health, globally. The fear of a super bug that is capable of worldwide destruction is not an unreality and global health organizations recognize that such a “nightmare bacteria” could evolve that would “pose a catastrophic threat” to us all.
And so, a recent analysis sought to examine several clinical studies done on the effectiveness of probiotics in relieving colic. The bottom line was that there was significant support for improvement and the use of the the probiotic L. reuteri would be recommended for breast-fed babies. Read now, to find out more.